It’s rare to find places full of myth like the Grande Montagna, inspiration for the Siculi and Sicani, Greeks and Latins, Arabs and Normans, and so on until recent times.  Stories are told of  giants being put to death by Jupiter under the mass of the volcano, or of the crash of the forge of Hephaestus (Roman version: Vulcan)God of fire and technology, where also the Cyclopes forged  Zeus’s lightning bolts.  One might spot Ceres, goddess of agriculture and fertility, wandering among the woods of Linguaglossa searching for her daughter who had been seized by Pluto or meet the silent ship which Gregorio Magno (pope) said it carried the sinful dead to the summit of the volcano where they would be purified of their sins.  Otherwise one could believe that the earth tremors are caused by the sluggish steps of  the blind Polyphemus, or worse by the horrible Typhon’s writhing (father of all monsters).  He had been bewitched underneath Sicily by Zeus  and lies on his back with Etna’s cone on his head. This like many other legends, fruit of the imagination and fear of the numerous people who have lived on the island over the centuries.